'Artists can achieve a lot when they dedicate to what excites their enthusiasm'
Efrat Cybulkiewicz is a multi-cultural and multi-discipline artist currently working from Italy. She is a force for seeking positivity and power from whatever experiences life brings. Efrat’s purposeful work delves into emotions and spiritual connections, as she seeks to respond to the world around her. She is also the creator of 'Art Moire', an international platform for celebrating ‘beauty, creativity and intellect’.

Do you prefer to work in silence or does certain music inspire you?
I often enjoy listening to music, however, when I do so, I open a second window on my computer and play in the background endless hours of rain while relaxing music is also playing. Studio life can lead to isolation, how do you address this/ keep a balance?
I love, love, LOVE to savour hours of freedom and solitude… I am a person who prefers tranquility and little contact with other human beings. Its in my nature. However, I am also a mother and this forces me to socialize with other parents and school events (sounds pathetic, I know).

What is your favourite/ least favourite part of the creative process?
I tend to be obsessed with my projects. And often, I stay awake for more than 24 hours without getting any rest. This contributes to my bad health and low defense mechanism. Do you have a personal mantra or quote which serves to motivate you?
There's a Sanskrit sloka that goes like: "Hemnah samlakshyate hyagnau vishuddhih shyaamikaapi va." Which means: "The purity or otherwise of gold can be tested only when it is put through the fire." Consider yourself as gold and challenges as fire upon you.

What do you hope to convey through your work?
My primary purpose is to offer visual metaphors with the spiritual connection that reveals the sublime concealed within beauty in serendipity. And I look for such inspiration deep under the veil of my consciousness, providing me with the meaning to all interactions with the outer world and personal response. A place what may be considered bleak and desolate, but is a space where I can bring out the resonance which lives within me; the purity that I won't dare fake. My artistic creation must have an emotional content. Feelings of isolation, solitude, quietness pervade in my works. All close to my thinking, my experience, and life. The version of my art takes a look at these profound pursuits. Detail a moment which was the highlight for you, thus far?
The short amount of time it took me to be part of the art community and be recognized as an artist. The support I have received from this community fills me with great and constant joy. Follow Efrat!