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Francien Krieg

'Artists cannot always please the viewer.' Francien Krieg works full-time from her studio in the Netherlands. She has a fascination in...

Kimberly Dow

'Artists can do as they please. There are no rules you need to follow. Learn as you go, but what doesn’t serve your purposes and desires...

Ali Ghassan

'Artists can translate the beauty of reality.' Ali Ghassan is an artist living and teaching in Denver Colorado. Born in Babel, Iraq, Ali...

Ben Ryan

'Artists can say very interesting things, usually when we stop trying so hard to say very interesting things.' Ben Ryan is a...

Kristof De Saeger

‘Artists can talk without using a spoken language.' Kristof De Saeger is an artist from Belgium, who is best known for intricately drawn...

Jenny Allnutt

'Artists can discover loveliness in the most somber and melancholy of things.' Jenny Allnutt is an Australian artist who finds beauty...

Barbara Hack

'Artists can speak in a language that can be understood by everyone. No matter the culture, language, or personal experience… art can...

Sally Ryan

'Artists can speak volumes without saying a word, through their unique vision, turn the simple and mundane into objects of beauty, and...

Steve Cannon

'Artists can know that by creating they can inspire those who need art, inspire those who make their own art or those who need that...

Anthony J. Parke

'Artists can enter into the recesses of the unfathomable pit of human existence, and completely fail in their attempts to extract any...

Dan Simoneau

'Artists can reshape the world through beauty and through socially and politically relevant works. Art has done so throughout the ages...

Tracey Coakley

‘Artists can evoke emotion.' Tracey Coakley is an Australian born artist now living in New Zealand. She works in portraiture and...

Desiree Crossing

'Artists can challenge perspectives and open up new worlds.' Desiree Crossing works from her studio in Perth, Western Australia, and has...

Dorielle Caimi

'Artists can make a living doing their art.' Dorielle Caimi works from her studio in New Mexico, USA. Dorielle’s works are unmissable,...

Alessandro Tomassetti

‘Artists can transport you to other worlds and make you appreciate your own backyard.' Born in Canada, and now residing in Barcelona,...

Anthony Waichulis

‘Artists can.' (I believe this sentence is finished) Anthony Waichulis is an artist, and an incredibly multi-faceted creative from...

Craig Stephens

‘Artists can simplify things in a way that show a greater truth.' Craig Stephens is an artist working from a purpose built studio in the...

Traci Wright Martin

‘Artists can change the conversation and inspire change.' Traci Wright Martin moved to Greenville, South Carolina a year ago, and works...

Alicia Lisa Brown

'Artist can disrupt and create worlds where the conscious and the unconscious mind can bring to life experiences that are unique yet...

Lisa Rickard

'Artists can be positive catalysts for enhancing the well-being of the world.' Lisa Rickard is a classically trained realist figurative...


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